Personal Trainers Aged 50+

(and their stories)

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Annette McIntosh (Qualified at 54)

March 26, 20242 min read

Annette completed her fitness certifications in 2018 at the age of 54 after working many years as an administrator. Having witnessed Annette transform her health, her trainer and now mentor encouraged her to get certified. Now she’s helping others at EMF Fitness in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, as well as her home based gym. Read on to learn more about Annette’s inspiring story. 

Life before the fitness industry 

Before making the change to the fitness industry, Annette had a long career as an administrator in a large law firm involved in student recruitment. As a lover of learning, she also studied over the years for a Bachelor of Science - Business Administration as well as an MBA. Annette had a shocking cancer diagnosis at the age of 50 and this put a stop to her previously active life playing sport, running and working out at the gym. 

Inspiration for a fitness career change  

As a consequence of this major illness, Annette gained weight and developed risk factors for other chronic illnesses and knew she had to take back control. Her trainer, who is now her mentor, saw what Annette did to transform her own health and encouraged her to study her fitness certifications and become a personal trainer. She did just that and is now passionate about helping people through their own fitness journeys. 

Getting certified

The process Annette undertook to get certified in Canada involved a four day intensive course in-person, then time afterwards studying the material. Annette took about six months to absorb everything before taking both written and practical examinations. After some initial nervousness and imposter syndrome, she completed the course and started working in the fitness industry immediately. 

Fitness industry experience & the future 

Annette works at EMF Fitness in Calgary and sees clients at her own home based gym. She still loves learning and has done many post qualification courses, including precision nutrition. It’s clear that she also wants to help others learn, aspiring to certify as an instructor for Canada’s PT and group fitness trainer courses

Advice for over 50s considering a change to the fitness industry 

Going through a struggle with illness has only reinforced Annette’s philosophy to follow one’s passion and try different things. ‘Don’t leave any passion or dream unexplored!’  

Want to hear Annette's story in more detail?
Listen to them share their story on the Masters Fitness Academy Podcast!

Click here to listen on Spotify

Click here to listen on Apple

PS: Are you interested in becoming a Qualified Personal Trainer? Check out our Certificate III and IV in Fitness.

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