About - Masters Fitness Academy

Empowering Mature Aged Students to Educate, Thrive, and Lead in the Fitness Industry.

Director of Education

Kate Rowen

Personal Trainer, Founder of FiftyFitness

In a nutshell, I’m an educator. It’s what I was born to do and the common thread in what might seem a convoluted journey. Nursing was my first career. Then I decided to be a scientist and ultimately became a university chemistry lecturer. Now I’m a personal trainer.

Nurses are educators. I don’t have enough characters to explain all the ways, but you can trust me on this. It’s amazing how much from nursing that’s applicable to being a personal trainer. Knowledge of human body systems and common disease states, for example. You will also find me empathetic, caring and personable, essential traits for both nurses and personal trainers, in my opinion.

Every educator I know loves to learn and I’m no different, drawn to start a science degree at the age of 28. I worked weekends and uni breaks as a nurse during the 4 years of my undergraduate and honours study. I only stopped nursing a few days before starting my PhD in chemistry on a scholarship.

Typical of PhD students, I did casual work as a tutor and laboratory class demonstrator during my candidature. I thoroughly enjoyed these roles and knew I was good at them through student feedback and supervision of my teaching. An academic career with a combination of teaching and research became my aspiration.

After three years working as a chemist in two very cool positions, I landed my dream job as a chemistry lecturer. Like most academics, I got the job because of my discipline knowledge and potential for research output but have no formal qualifications to teach, even though teaching is a major role of a lecturer. I applied my innate teaching ability and developed on the job through practice and professional learning opportunities.

Research played second fiddle in my 15-year academic career because I focused effort in my zone of genius, the teaching and education aspects of the role where I excelled. Students and peers alike recognised me as an outstanding teacher, organiser, leader and innovator in university chemistry teaching.

Faced with the first world problem of enforced leave and not being able to travel during the pandemic, I decided to learn instead and started studying the Certificate IV in Fitness at the age of 53. This was purely for personal interest, to learn how to train myself as an avid exerciser, but I quickly realised that being a personal trainer aligns with my calling to education.

A pandemic pivot has enabled me to educate in an area I’m truly passionate about–fitness! Empowering over 50s to feel great now and improve with age, because I believe we can be over 50 & better than ever!

Certificate III and IV in Fitness

Delivered by FEO Academy (RTO#45428)

FEO Academy is the RTO arm of Fitness Education Online

Fitness Education Online is one the leading providers of online fitness courses in Australia.

Fitness Education Online have won and been nominated for numerous awards including

- 2023 Fitness Industry Educator of the Year Finalist

- 2023 Fitness Industry CEC Provider of the Year Finalist

- 2022 Fitness Industry Educator of the Year Finalist

- 2022 Fitness Industry CEC Provider of the Year Winner

- 2020 Fitness Industry Educator of the Year Winner

2023 CEC Provider of the Year Finalist

2023 Educator of the Year Finalist

2022 CEC Provider of the Year Winner

2020 Educator of the Year Finalist

Get Your Personal Training Certification

National Qualifications Provided by FEO Academy RTO45428

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