Masters Fitness Academy

Personal Training courses for mature aged students!

Our personal trainer certification program equips you with the tools and knowledge needed to address the unique needs of older adults, fostering strength, mobility, and vitality.

Through our comprehensive courses, you'll gain the confidence to create personalised training programs that make a meaningful difference in the lives of people in this age group

2023 Educator of the Year Finalist

2022 Educator of the Year Winner

2022 Educator of the Year Finalist

2020 Educator of the Year Finalist

Understanding the Importance of Specialised Fitness Education for Older Adults

Specialized Fitness Training for Older Adults

recognizes the unique physiological and anatomical changes that occur with aging, such as decreased bone density, changes in muscle mass, and specific health considerations like joint health and cardiovascular well-being. Understanding these distinctions is vital for tailoring fitness programs that are both safe and effective.

Our online personal training courses are developed by certified professionals with expertise in senior fitness, ensuring that programs are designed to enhance strength, mobility, and overall wellness while minimising the risk of injury. By customising training regimens to accommodate each individual's fitness goals, current physical condition, and medical history, our courses provide a comprehensive approach to healthy aging.

At Masters Fitness Academy, our courses are crafted to equip you with the knowledge and skills needed for a fulfilling career dedicated to improving the health and quality of life of older adults.

Masters Fitness Academy offers online personal trainer courses designed for individuals over 50 aiming to start their career in fitness. These programs are uniquely tailored to empower mature learners with the skills and knowledge needed to become a Fitness Professional.

The courses combine the flexibility of online learning with a comprehensive curriculum, making them ideal for those transitioning into the fitness industry or seeking to deepen their expertise.

Why Are We Different?

  • Certificate III in Fitness (SIS30321): This qualification reflects the role of group and gym fitness instructors.

  • Certificate IV in Fitness (SIS40221): This qualification reflects the role of personal trainer

Companion Courses

  • Workout Ideas for Older Adults: Discover effective workout strategies tailored specifically for older adults.

  • Programming for Older Adults: Learn to safely train. Get the skills for effective, enjoyable workouts tailored to their needs

  • Fall Prevention for Older Adults: Reduce the risk of falls by learning essential strategies to implement during/after training

  • Training Clients with Conditions: Learn to effectively train older adults with chronic conditions.

  • Business Essentials for Training Older Adults: Master the business strategies to effectively manage and grow a fitness business

How is the Course Delivered

Online Learning:

All our theory learning is delivered via our online learning centre that you can log in to 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The learning material includes videos, PowerPoint Presentations, and Online Text Books.

Practice Sessions:

The practice sessions allow you to gain the confidence of working with real clients.

Practical Assessment: The final step in the process is to complete the live Practical Assessment.

Course Outline:

Package Consists of Two Courses:

SIS30321 – Certificate III in Fitness

SIS40221 – Certificate IV in Fitness


12 Months for each course

Interactive Learning with Monthly Personal Training Webinars

Our online fitness instructor courses come to life with live monthly Zoom webinars, each delving into the dynamic world of women's health. These aren't just your run-of-the-mill lectures; expect to see practical demonstrations of exercises and training routines.

It's not just about watching and learning—our webinars often feature guest speakers, from seasoned industry experts to health pros, sharing valuable insights and tips. Absorb wisdom from the best in the biz!

Got questions? Get instant feedback and support right when you need it. Plus, it’s a fantastic opportunity to network, opening doors to new connections with fellow fitness enthusiasts, potential mentors, or even future collaborators.

All this from the cosy corner of your home—just another perk of our online courses that keeps you engaged and connected. So, grab your spot on these webinars for a learning experience that’s informative and interactive.

Personal Trainer Courses

Become a certified trainer. Enrol now and shape your future!

Certificate III in Fitness (SIS30321)

This qualification reflects the role of group and gym fitness instructors.

Module 1: Health Appraisal

BSBPEF301 : Organise personal work priorities (core)

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to organise personal work schedules, to monitor and obtain feedback on work performance and to maintain required levels of competence.

SISFFIT032: Complete pre-exercise screening and service orientation (core)

This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to screen clients for participation in exercise programs and to provide general advice about programs and services suitable to clients.

SISFFIT033: Complete client fitness assessments (core)

This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to assess current fitness capabilities of clients using information from industry standard pre-exercise screening as the starting point. It requires the ability to complete assessments using a range of activities and measurements and to document outcomes.

SISFFIT052: Provide healthy eating information (core)

This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to provide general, and not individualised, information about healthy eating to fitness clients. Information is based on the main recommendations of the current Australian national dietary guidelines which aim to promote optimal health and wellbeing for generally healthy people.

Module 2: Exercise Instruction

SISFFIT040: Develop and instruct gym-based exercise programs for individual clients (core)

This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to develop tailored gym-based exercise programs for individuals where the level of personalised instruction, ongoing client monitoring and program evaluation is limited. Clients are provided with initial instruction and then largely self-manage their own exercise sessions at the gym, according to the program, without ongoing one-to-one instruction.

SISFFIT047 : Use anatomy and physiology knowledge to support safe and effective exercise (core)

This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to identify the role of anatomy and physiology knowledge in fitness instruction, and to use that knowledge to develop and instruct safe and effective exercise activities.

BSBOPS304: Deliver and monitor a service to customers (core)

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to identify customer needs, deliver and monitor customer service and identify improvements in the provision of customer service.

Module 3: Group Fitness

HLTAID011 : Provide First Aid (core)

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to provide a first aid response to a casualty in line with first aid guidelines determined by the Australian Resuscitation Council (ARC) and other Australian national peak clinical bodies.

SISFFIT035 : Plan group exercise sessions (core)

This unit describes the performance outcomes, knowledge and skills required to plan group exercise sessions designed for participation by mixed ability groups, or by groups that predominately comprise a particular profile, for example, older people. It requires the ability to account for the participation of individuals from specific population groups and of diverse abilities and allow for modifications that can be made during instruction.

SISFFIT036 : Instruct group exercise sessions (core)

This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to prepare for and deliver land-based group exercise sessions according to predesigned session plans which may have been developed by self or others.

HLTWHS001 : Participate in workplace health and safety (core)

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required for workers to participate in safe work practices to ensure their own health and safety, and that of others.

Module 4: Fitness Business

BSBESB301: Investigate business opportunities (elective)

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to identify a business opportunity and its key components. This requires undertaking research to determine the viability of the opportunity, with reference to the legislative frameworks affecting the business.

BSBOPS403: Apply business risk management processes (elective)

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to identify business risks and to apply established risk management processes to a defined area of operations that are within the responsibilities and obligations of the work role.

BSBESB404: Market new business ventures (elective)

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to develop and implement a marketing strategy that is integrated into the business plan in order to improve the performance of a business venture. It involves analysing and interpreting market data.

SIRXSLS001: Sell to the retail customer (elective)

This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to deliver quality customer service and sell to retail customers. It requires the ability to determine customer needs, match products and services to their needs, and facilitate a sale.

Nationally Accredited Courses delivered by FEO Academy RTO45428

Certificate IV in Fitness (SIS40221)

This qualification reflects the role of personal trainers

Module 1: Health Coaching

BSBPEF302: Develop Self Awareness (elective)

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to improve self-reliance to confidently perform work tasks within the scope of own responsibility. It involves reflecting on personal development and acquiring knowledge of personal strengths and weaknesses through feedback from others. It also involves the development of goals and plans to improve workplace performance.

SISFFIT053: Support healthy eating for individual fitness clients

This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to identify individual client needs for healthy eating advice, and provide information that supports clients to establish healthier eating patterns. Information is based on the current Australian national dietary guidelines and associated resources which aim to promote optimal health and wellbeing for generally healthy people.

SISFFIT050: Support exercise behaviour change (core)

This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to establish current patterns of client exercise and support clients to make changes to optimise fitness outcomes, health and wellbeing. Support for behaviour change reflects evidence-based approaches and can be integrated into fitness assessment, program planning, instruction and evaluation.

Module 2: Advanced Programming

SISFFIT049: Use exercise science principles in fitness instruction (core)

This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to identify how exercise science principles (also known as exercise training principles) apply to fitness instruction, and use those principles in the design and ongoing modification of exercise programs for clients.

SISFFIT041: Develop personalised exercise programs (core)

This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to develop exercise programs and a series of sessions tailored to individual client needs, exercise preferences and fitness goals.

Module 3: Personal Training

SISFFIT043: Develop and instruct personalised exercise programs for body composition goals (core)

This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to develop and instruct exercise programs and sessions specifically tailored for individual older clients. Older clients are those aged at least 55 years; however, they can be significantly older. It covers skills for evaluating and modifying programs in response to client monitoring and feedback. Programs and sessions take account of the particular issues and risks for older clients.

SISFFIT044: Develop and instruct personalised exercise programs for older clients (core)

This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to develop exercise programs and a series of sessions tailored to individual client needs, exercise preferences and fitness goals.

SISFFIT042: Instruct personalised exercise sessions (core)

This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to prepare for, instruct and evaluate pre-designed exercise sessions that have been tailored to individual client needs, exercise preferences and fitness goals, as part of an overall personal training program. It covers skills for modifying programs in response to ongoing client monitoring and feedback.

SISXCAI009: Instruct strength and conditioning techniques (elective)

This unit describes the performance outcomes, knowledge and skills required to use drills, exercises and activities to instruct individuals undertaking fitness programs in strength and conditioning techniques to achieve personal fitness goals.

SISXCAI010: Develop strength and conditioning programs (elective)

This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to develop, implement and evaluate strength and conditioning programs. It focuses on the skills needed to develop programs to meet the needs of participants undertaking fitness programs to achieve personal fitness goals.

Module 4: Youth Training

SISFFIT045: Develop and instruct personalised exercise programs for adolescent clients (core)

This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to complete pre-exercise screening and fitness assessments for individual clients aged thirteen to seventeen years, and to develop and instruct exercise programs and sessions specifically tailored for these clients. It covers skills for evaluating and modifying programs in response to client monitoring and feedback.

SISFFIT051: Establish and maintain professional practice for fitness instruction (core)

This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to establish the industry context for fitness instruction work, develop collaborative relationships with medical and allied health professionals, and use reflective practice and critical thinking for ongoing professional development. It requires the ability to identify and evaluate evidence-based information for use in day-to-day fitness instruction activities.

CHCCOM006: Establish and manage client relationships (core)

This unit describes the skills and knowledge to establish and manage professional one-to-one relationships with clients in the context of providing an ongoing health service or intervention.

Note: You must complete the Certificate III in Fitness before commencing the Certificate IV. (as some of the units in Certificate III and considered pre requisites for Certificate IV)

Nationally Accredited Courses delivered by FEO Academy RTO45428

Personal Trainer Courses

Become a certified trainer. Enrol now and shape your future!

Companion Courses

Discover effective workout strategies tailored specifically for older adults.

Course Content Includes:

  • Seated Dumbbell Workout

  • Standing Dumbbell Workout

  • Balloon Workout

  • Resistance Band Workout

  • TRX Workout for Older Adults

  • Chair Aerobics

  • Chair Yoga Workout for Older Adults

Learn to safely train older adults. Get the skills for effective, enjoyable workouts tailored to their needs

Course Content Includes:

  • Scope of Practise, Pre Screening and Intensity

  • Dispelling Myths When Working with Seniors

  • Considerations for a Successful Older Adults Session

  • Fun Training for Seniors - The Myofascial Perspective

  • References

Reduce the risk of falls for older adults. Learn essential strategies to implement during/after training

Course Content Includes:

  • Scope, Pre Screening and Intensity

  • Falls Prevention and the Role Personal Trainers Play

  • Balance Testing for Older Adults

  • Balance Training for Older Adults

Learn to effectively train older adults with chronic conditions.

Course Content Includes:

  • Chronic Conditions for Older Adults & How to Train Them

  • Exercise and Osteoporosis

  • Exercise and Arthritis

  • Exercise and Brain Health / Dementia

Master the business strategies to effectively manage and grow a fitness business for older adults.

Course Content Includes:

  • How to run a Gym / Studio Business (for the over 50s)

  • How to run a Personal Training Business (for the over 50s)

  • Growing your Seniors Business: Panel Discussion

Live Monthly Webinar via Zoom (optional)

At Masters Fitness Academy, we've designed our certification so it can be completed on demand, in your own time at your own pace. We do however understand the power of learning live. For this reason we run a

live monthly webinar

(via zoom) covering a different topic on Women's Health / Fitness. This session may delivered in house by one of our experts - or we may bring in guest speaker.

You can choose to attend these sessions live or watch the replay.

Note: These zoom sessions are optional and NOT compulsory to attend

Why Focus on Training Older Adults?

Focusing on training older adults is important for several reasons. First, as people age, their physical health needs change. Older adults face unique challenges such as reduced muscle mass, decreased bone density, and a higher risk of chronic diseases like arthritis and heart disease. Tailoring fitness programs to address these issues can significantly improve their quality of life, helping them stay healthier and more active as they age.

Second, the population of older adults is growing rapidly. With advancements in healthcare, people are living longer, leading to a higher demand for fitness programs that cater specifically to the needs of the elderly. By focusing on training older adults, fitness professionals can tap into a growing market, offering specialized services that are in high demand. This not only benefits the trainers professionally but also fills a vital need in the community.

Lastly, exercise and physical activity can have a profound impact on the mental health and social well-being of older adults. Regular exercise helps reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression, improves cognitive function, and can even foster a sense of community among participants. By creating fitness programs designed for older adults, trainers can help them lead not only healthier but also happier lives, making a significant difference in their overall well-being.

Career Change

Masters Fitness Academy offers online personal trainer (PT) courses designed for individuals over 50 aiming to start their career in fitness.

These programs are uniquely tailored to empower mature learners with the skills and knowledge needed to become a Fitness Professional.

Our courses combine the flexibility of online learning with a comprehensive curriculum, making them ideal for those transitioning into the fitness industry or seeking to deepen their expertise.

Why Our Courses Stand Out:

  • Inclusive Curriculum: Covering a broad spectrum of fitness training techniques applicable to clients of all ages.

  • Flexible Learning Options: Study at your pace, from anywhere, without compromising your current lifestyle or commitments.

  • Expert Instruction: Benefit from the wisdom and experience of top fitness professionals who understand the nuances of starting a fitness career later in life.

Career Opportunities Post-Certification:

Upon completion, graduates are equipped for various roles within the fitness industry:

  • Personal trainers capable of designing and delivering personalised training programs.

  • Group fitness instructors leading classes that cater to diverse groups.

Advantages of Pursuing a Fitness Career After 50:

  • Rich Life Experience: Bring a wealth of life experience to your training, offering empathy and understanding to clients of all ages.

  • Flexibility: The ability to work part-time, freelance, or in environments that match your lifestyle and preferences.

  • Making a Difference: Use fitness training as a platform to inspire and motivate people to lead healthier lives, regardless of their age.

Why Choose Masters Fitness Academy?

  • Tailored for Mature Learners: Our courses are specifically designed to accommodate and support those entering the fitness profession later in life.

  • Career Support: From course selection through certification, we provide the tools and support needed for your success.

  • Community Impact: Equip yourself with the knowledge to serve a broad audience, making a significant impact on the health and wellness of your community.

Enroll in our online PT courses at Masters Fitness Academy today and take the first step towards a rewarding and impactful career in fitness training.

Personal Trainer Courses

Become a certified trainer. Enrol now and shape your future!

Get your Certificate III & IV In Fitness Handbook. Register Your Info for a FREE Copy.

National Qualifications Provided by FEO Academy RTO45428

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